Friday, September 11, 2009

And their goes another engine.....

Well after about 3 motor swaps, and one motor build on the Grand Prix she blew the #6 piston. The car was lightely driven the the Gym for my workout, gave about 50% throttle and all the sudden the car turns off and theirs smoke everywhere. All i kept saying was "FUCK". I pulled over the side of the road opend the hood and saw smoke coming out of the filter and the oil cap. FUCK. Luckaly my friend Danny was at the gym and he helped me push it into the parking lot. After about 20 min of cursing we took a ride to my house got a seat belt and pulled my Grand Prix home. YES. we pulled my Grand Prix with a seat belt. What maked it worse was the fact that Danny car... was a Scion... Xa. To top it all off the took the long way home, throught a busy street, and he was using his loud ass police siren attracting all the attention to us. Yes readers, he has a police siren in his car. AND ITS LOUD !!!! Once we got home i took the Goat out the garage and rolled the Grand Prix in pulled the motor out and heres the damage.


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